Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Brett started 4th grade on Monday. You can tell by the picture he was oh-so-excited! Actually his first day went well when he found out his teacher did not assign much homework and that he actually got "choices" at lunchtime.

Leah was sick on Monday and so her first day was Tuesday. She is so ready for kindergarten. She asked me if she should "wave like a movie star" when she walked in to her room for the first time. I advised her against it and just told her to smile sweetly. As you can see from her picture, she is very excited and upbeat about this whole adventure.

Blake decided he had to be in Leah's photo. . . but he is in no hurry to start school. He seems to be enjoying his time at home alone, but keeps asking when we are going to go get Leah and Bubbies.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Catching up!

Publish Post
These past two weeks have been busy. Leah has been in swimming lessons and Brett has been visiting Mimi. Now everyone is home and we will begin VBS next week. I am ready for Fall to get here with cooler weather, Brett's football games, and school! Blake keeps saying that he is NOT going to preschool, but he doesn't know that I am even more adamant that he IS : )

Mike has been busy landscaping. Here are some pictures of the beginning of the project when he had to take the sod out of the retaining wall bed. I will post pictures soon of the finished product. He is excited to be able to work in his new yard and is particularly excited about his new sprinkler system. He was like a kid on Christmas morning when they finally got installed.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


Mike stopped by the produce stand and bought some corn. The little ones thought it was a fun new experience to shuck the corn. Blake said his looked like a butterfly : )

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Home from Branson!

We just rolled in to town from a vacation with Mimi and Papa Tim. We were in Branson for 6 days and had a great time. We stayed at the Wyndham resort in Branson and we all loved it there. There was lots of stuff to do for the kids and the adults. Here are some pictures.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Swingset is up!!

Last night we put up the swingset. . . well, Mike and Roger put up the swingset, LOL. By now, they have become quite experienced at putting this thing together. This is the 4th home for this set and it still looks good.

The kids are excited to have it back up so they can play in the backyard. Blake is loving the trapeze bar and swinging in circles on his belly in the swings. Leah likes the playhouses and playing house and princess in them. The monkey bars seem to be Brett's favorite.

New House

Here is our new house. I finally went out and snapped a picture of it. We really like it and we have a lot more room than we did before. As you can see, we still have some landscaping and lawn work to do, but Mike enjoys that kind of thing. He has already completed one bed and finally got the fountain he has wanted : )

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Matthew 5:16

As many of you know, I am the Children's Director at our church in Bella Vista. Anyhow, last Sunday, we had a "Fun Sunday" where the kids came to church decked out in their Summer/Beach attire and we had a Beach Themed morning. We discussed letting our light shine and made some fun crafts. We all had a great time. Here are some pictures of the Siebert kids.

"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16